In the last few years, gaming has become one of the fastest-growing industries in India. From the days of playing Tetris on the computer to implementing AI in GTA5, the gaming industry has always been at the forefront of innovation and progress.

However, a new chapter has now been added to the world of gaming through cloud computing. Cloud computing has revolutionised video streaming services and led to the foundation of giant corporations such as Google and Netflix. A prime example of a platform that grew on the cloud, YouTube has scaled massively in the last decade to provide an even better video streaming experience. 

While the gaming industry’s future is expected to skyrocket in the coming year, according to a report by Research and Markets, the global gaming market was worth $ 167.9 billion in 2020, and was expected to reach $ 287.1 billion by 2026, growing at CAGR of 9.24 percent between 2021-2026.


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