The optimal path in your journey to seize the tremendous potential of network edge solutions may not look the same as it does for others. After all, not every detail will be identical for every enterprise. However, there are some basic principles that can be applied. These are:

  • Build on your business strengths: Identify a few enterprise customers you could work closely with and how to address their immediate business needs
  • Start small and always consider replication: Identify one or two uses cases to start developing a replicable solution for. Ensure that the solution has the potential to be applied to other types of enterprises and use cases
  • Partner with hyperscale cloud providers (HCPs) for enterprise edge: Together you can bring the joint power of the network and public cloud capabilities to the edge
  • Invest in multi-HCP orchestration capabilities: In addition to a cloud-based 5G core network, ensure you can orchestrate network functions and run enterprise applications in the HCP environment

No communications service provider (CSP), hyperscale cloud providers, or enterprise systems integrator will succeed alone. By working together and being part of the enterprise application ecosystem, the synergized power of the edge can be unleashed.


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