Most nations already face the challenge of adequately training their labor forces to meet the current needs of employers. Across the OECD, spending on worker training and development has been declining over the last twenty years. Spending on worker transition has also continued to shrink as a percentage of GDP. While globalization may have helped increase economic growth, the wage and dislocation effects on people were not properly addressed. Most studies suggest that the scale of these issues is likely to amplify in the coming many years. It has also been found that huge scope labor force changes can affect wages; during the 19th century Industrial Revolution, wages in the United Kingdom stayed stagnant for about 50 years despite rising economic growth—a phenomenon known as “Engels’ Pause,” after the German philosopher who identified it.
In the search for measures and policies to address these difficulties, we should not seek slow integration of digital technologies. Organizations and governments should harness AI and automation to benefit with the improved productivity, performance and overall societal benefits. These innovations will make the financial benefits that will help societies manage workforce transitions. The focus should be on approaches that ensure that the workforce transitions are as smooth as possible. This is going to require more scalable solutions in a few key areas: