Data center developers have established efficient global infrastructure deployment plans to meet the ever-increasing demand for the digital cloud; especially, the need for Owner Furnished Contractor Installed (OFCI) or Owner Furnished Equipment (OFE). To secure this supply of critical power and cooling equipment, they must opportunistically make large scale purchasing commitments from multiple Original Equipment Manufacturers (OEM), making them responsible for furnishing the equipment to construction sites across the globe. Grand View Research projects the global data center generator market will reach 10.9 billion by 2027 at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of approximately 6.5%. For example, this year alone at one of our long-term partner’s hyperscale sites, we are offloading and installing over 150 outdoor generators. With the hundreds of others globally planned or currently under construction, simply put, there are thousands of generators with varying production and delivery lead times, all competing against your site needs. Data center developers rely heavily on their supply chains to meet the need for faster capacity at infinitely scalable rates. Unfortunately, when your demand and supply schedules are very different, you are at risk of missing critical path construction end dates.
Categories: Technology News